14 October 2012

Thaldor's Base Model

It is impossible to find a miniature with spear AND bow and arrows. So I prepared myself to do a conversion. Thaldor's base model has a spear and I have to add a bow and arrows somehow. I'll discuss this conversion a few times more in the future :)

The male adventurer model is also a Darksword Miniature. Under the hood you do not see his ears, so there is no need for sharpening the ears. He already works as Half-Elf This model was actually the alternative choice. I had chosen a much cooler Fenryll miniature but after the first (and only) feedback round I was told that the Darksword miniature. Also the spear blade is too big. That was also my thinking.

So the first step as always was cleaning the mold lines. Second, I slightly filed the massive metal base in shape. The base is as big as the old Hero Quest figures. That may become an issue when the players use 3D Terrain. The next step was cutting the spear head and replace it with a more classic one. I have a lot of spare spear heads from the GW Soldiers of the Empire box. I took one, cut it in shape, removed the quast and drilled a hole into it. You can see this on the picture. (sorry, I did not crop the pic)

Here you can see how we'll it fits.

However in the meantime the barrel-shaped part of the spear (between hand and spear blade) broke away. That is because the spear arrived bended when bought it. Moving this fine parts back and forth let them break.

Bob Ross would say, that this was a little happy accident. It broke before painting and now the spear is shorter. Maybe I take another spear head and keep it a bit longer. I made no decision on this, yet.

Now the next big issue is the bow. I have bows and quivers bits left from Games Workshop, Perry Miniatures and Zvezda. So I have a really large list of choices there. But with the casted cape it is hard to attach that to the belt or as backpack. The plan is, that I attach a quiver which is cut into halves to the belt. This way it should look like the Fenryll Ranger's quiver. I bought some ProCreate. I try to change the cape sculpt from the back so that it looks like there is a quiver and a bow hidden under the cape.

Plan B is that I place a backpack onto the ground with the alternative weapon choice. Plan C is, not to add the bow.

And if you read this J.

I know now that it is for you. Your choice really meant that I take the less detailed miniature. Also the conversion is much more complicated. So now I really have to scratch my head. Just 4 Fun und um dich zu ärgern ziehe ich den Plan mit dem Fenryll Ranger durch ;P

My original plan was to use the Fenryll Ranger on the right of the product page (link above) and replace the free and open hand with a hand holding a spear. I was thinking of a Warhammer Glade Rider spear or something from Perry Twin's War of Roses range.



  1. Hi,
    grundsätzlich habe ich überhaupt nichts dagegen, wenn du nicht auf mich hörst. Wir hätten uns dann nur eine Abfrage sparen können ;)
    Scherz bei Seite: Was mich bei der rechten Figur störte, waren die Haare. Ich schicke dir mal ein Bild, das ICH von meiner Halbelf-Figur habe. Dann weißt du vielleicht, was ich meine. Aber mach nur! Ich bin diesbezüglich kein Dogmatiker und finde es schon erstaunlich genug, wie viel Mühe du dir für unsere Chars machst! Danke schon im Voraus dafür!
    Lieber Gruß aus Hagen

    1. Hab den Kommentar eben erst gesehen. Hihi, das war nicht so ernst gemeint. Herausforderungen sind doch was Tolles. Ich hätte halt vorher geschworen, dass es bei dem am wenigsten Rückfragen und Änderungswünsche gibt. Die Haare, vor allem wie sie auf der Herstellerseite bemalt sind, sehen schon sehr struppig aus. Da kann man aber durchs Bemalen einiges erreichen. Ich habe eben den Umhang außen und innen bemalt. Aussen wied er Naturfarben und dunkel. Innen hab ich den gefüttert, dass du nicht frierst. Da hat er ne relativ kräftige Farbe. Das mit dem Bogen hat viel besser geklappt, als ich dachte. Ich bin richtig begeistert von mir, wie ich die Pfeile hinbekommen habe.


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